Community Development Strategies led Birmingham, Alabama’s Choice Neighborhoods Application submitted on January 10, 2023 requesting $50M for the Smithfield-College Hills-Graymont…
HUD notified the East Baton Rouge Parish Housing Authority/City of Baton Rouge Choice Neighborhoods (CNI) team’s selection as a grant finalist. Community Development Strategies led the Baton Rouge CNI application, submitted in September 2018.
Stacy Vincent from Community Development Strategies presented with a team of Community Development Expert Practitioners at a NAHRO summer conference…
HUD issued its Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Program 2018 NOFA. Applications are due on Monday, September 17, 2018. HUD is making $145M…
Multi-Family Executive’s hottest retail concepts for mixed-use sites article provides some insight in developing the non-residential components of mixed-use sites. MFE…