HUD issued a simplified Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) application.
- Letter of Interest HUD guidance, issued on March 15, 2017, allows housing authorities to submit a letter of interest identifying the projects and units for which it is interested in applying. This submission will reserve the housing authority’s spot on HUD’s RAD waiting list based on the date the letter was submitted.
- Resident Information Notice (RIN) Housing authorities must provide a RIN to all residents of a converting project before the required resident meetings.
- RAD Application A simplified revised application, including the multi-phase application and many-to-one application as separate worksheets.
- RAD Portfolio Application Housing authorities can elect to reserve RAD conversion authority for a set of projects by submitting a list of all projects proposed for a portfolio award using this template. Housing authorities must also submit completed RAD applications for at least 50 percent of the projects identified in a portfolio application.
Reference HUD PIH Notice 2017-03 Revision 3 (January 12, 2017) for more detailed information.